» 李 嬋娟/LEE Sun Youn | 明治学院大学 国際学部・国際学研究科 The Faculty of International Studies 李 嬋娟/LEE Sun Youn – 明治学院大学 国際学部・国際学研究科 The Faculty of International Studies
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国際キャリア学科/Global & Transcultural Studies

李 嬋娟

LEE Sun Youn


I study labor economics and behavioral economics, hoping that my empirical research contributes to our understanding of how an individual’s skill-set, his/her (childhood) education, and their experiences affect later-life outcomes that include earnings, employment, promotion, behavioral outcomes, and subjective well-being. I will never forget my experiences in my first year at Meigaku. When students finally understood how to use EXCEL to do some basic calculations and a regression analysis, they began smiling and clapping, because they experienced the true joy of “learning.” I am very grateful when the excitement of learning and researching economics and quantitative methods is fully conveyed to students during classes.

Global and Transcultural Studies
/Research Fields
Labor Economics, Applied Micro-Econometrics, Behavioral Economics
2016-現在 明治学院大学・国際学部・国際キャリア学科・准教授
2013-2015 明治学院大学・国際学部・国際キャリア学科・専任講師
2013 大阪大学・博士・国際公共政策 (Ph.D.)
2016-Present, Associate Professor, Faculty of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University
2013-2015, Assistant Professor, Faculty of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University
2013 Ph.D. in International Public Policy, Osaka University
詳細はこちら Details
Labor Economics and Public Policy
Behavioral Economics and Public Policy
Quantitative Methods
Advanced Research Analysis
Labor Market in the Global Economy
Research Project
Graduation Seminar/Workshop
/Research Activities
[Selected Publications (Please go to the link below for the recent publications)]
・“Is Being Agreeable a Key to Success or Failure in the Labor Market?” 2018, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 47, 8-27 (coauthored with Fumio Ohtake).
・“Procrastinators and Hyperbolic Discounters: Transition Probabilities of Moving from Temporary into Regular Employment” 2014, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 34, 291-314 (coauthored with Fumio Ohtake).
・“Second-to-Fourth Digit Ratio and the Sporting Success of Sumo Wrestlers” 2012, Evolution and Human Behavior, 33(2), 130-136 (coauthored with Rie Tamiya and Fumio Ohtake).
詳細はこちら Details


A short comment about Meigaku for prospective candidates.


It was quite long after I graduated from university that I realized what I wanted to do for the rest of my life with ceaseless effort and passion. However, looking back on my 20s, I now see that this process of self-realization actually began when I was an undergrad, which led me to realizing my aspirations after I had a fateful encounter with one professor at graduate school who genuinely enjoyed doing research and mentoring students. I am confident that this department will provide you with chances to understand the real YOU, because you will face many challenges, hardships, and meetings of destiny that will help you to break out of your comfort zone. You may not find all the answers you seek, but your experiences here will definitely help you find a satisfying direction for your future life.

Relaxing and enjoyable dinner with my seminar graduates in 2017.

Unforgettable Trip to Korea with my first seminar graduates.